PTA Minutes -- April 13, 2015

PTA Meeting
WS Technology Room
April 13, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:09pm.

AngD: Welcome everyone.  Glad everyone could come tonight.  Please take a 
 moment to review the minutes and then is someone can make a motion to 
Motion: Tracy P.
2nd: Jill N.
Without opposition the minutes are voted in as approved.

Good Evening Ms. Cardiello

Ms. Cardiello:  Welcome back from break everyone; hope everyone had a chance to re-charge. The most exciting news I have is that starting in September we will have 2 integrated pre-school programs, one at Wanaque and one at Haskell. There will be 2 ½ day sessions, morning for 3 year olds and afternoon for 4 year olds. There will be a teacher and an aid in each class. This will be a progressive program following state curriculum standards.  There will be a parent presentation 4/15 at 7pm in Haskell.

On a separate note, I heard a story from a friend today who said he was driving through Pompton Plains and saw 3 young girls, teens, dressed all in black laying in the road on the yellow lines taking “selfies”. Please stress the danger of this kind of activity with your kids. These girls could have been killed for a picture.

AngD: Ms. Morales

Ms. Morales:    Good Evening:  The student council dance has been moved to Haskell for 4/17 due to overbooking at the school. The Science Fair is scheduled for 4/23 and the second round of PARCC testing will be from 4/27 through 5/27 following the same schedule as last time. This time it will be 4 days per week instead of 5.  NJ ASK will be 1 day in May.
There will be one more awards ceremony for the year; the date is yet to be determined.

Mr. Sarullo:  Nothing to report

Bob Horowitz & Barry Hain:  The Wanaque Reserve is hosting a SAWS event this Saturday; that stands for Seniors Assisting Wounded Servicemen. This program supplies trained dogs to assist and be a companion to these veterans. The cost for a trained dog is $15k and they primarily use rescue dogs.
The cost for the show is $20 per ticket and comes with 2 $10 coupons for ShopRite
There are also raffle tickets with many great prizes for $10 each
Make checks to WR Sr. Citizens

AngD:  Rob Barnhardt could not be here tonight, Dan Sinclair and Jill Nitkinas from the BOE are.
Dan: Budget time is here again. Taxes were raised 2.1%; we are adding 4 new teachers; new programs also coming
The state is looking to re-do the “no child left behind” law
County: Passaic County has 7 legislative districts which is unheard of, and allows us to have 21 representatives to the table for discussion and rulings. They love to have the Board of Ed involved as well

Officer Reports:

President - Angela: We are in for a busy few final months. Cannot believe we are at this point in the year already.

1st VP – Joy: Not present.

2nd VP - Yvette: Nothing to report

Treasurer - Sharon: Nothing to report

Corresponding Secretary - Chris: Nothing to report

Recording Secretary - Kelly: Nothing to report

Standing Committee Reports

Bingo:   Next bingo is April 17th.  It is a lot of fun and every child wins. Grades k-5, starts at 7pm

Bylaws:   Would like to make one change, would like to raise the dues from $7 to $8 for PTA membership, this is in line with Haskell and keeps us unified.
    Motion to approve change:  Jill N.
    2nd:  Ann P
    No opposition, motion passed

Motion to approve by-laws as they stand:  Jill N.
    2nd:  Leanne T.
    No opposition, motion passed

Drama - 2nd - 5th    not present- but June 5th and 6th production of The Little Mermaid jr
Kids are doing great and having a ball, the shows are at 7pm and 2pm respectively

Cultural Arts – Monica Q.:  not present Ang; BMX stunt show with anti-bully theme assembly for gr 5-8 is being planned for April 22; 2nd grade will have Snakes & Scales

Egg Hunt – not present   the egg hunt was terrific. Schools worked well together, kids had lots of fun and everything was fantastic. The cold weather did not keep anyone away! This was the 2nd event in conjunction with Haskell and it was great. Working together as a team brings the kids together too.

Encore:  Karen L.:  Not in attendance.   show planned for May 15 7pm in the Wanaque Gym

Field Day Tracy G.: Dates set for June 8 with rain date for June 15 it's on a Mon this year- June 8th/rain date 15th -  need parent volunteers- forms will be coming home as it gets closer.  
 Pomptonian barbeque has been booked.  Things are going well. Chose a bag for a giveaway, in gold and black just deciding between the larger or the smaller version. The bags will go home the Sunday before so they can be packed for Monday’s events

Dances:  not present. Student Council dance this Friday at Haskell at 7pm

Book Fair - Joanne:  planned for April 16th and 17th afterschool.  In need of volunteers (adult and students needing community service)

Box Tops for Education Wendy Expecting a check for about $492 any day. The catalog is also available for labels for education to look through and see what we want to order as we have about 16,000 points. We have a new chair, Iman, who will try and fill Wendy’s shoes. We will have one last collection for the year by the 2nd week of June so keep them coming.

Decals: Lori S. will be putting together a decal fundraiser where you can purchase decals for the car with your kids’ activities and names on them. Coming next month

Market Day: Anne:   Orders are due by 11pm tomorrow, guessing there were enough complaints that they moved the time back again.  Delivery is next Tuesday

Tricky Tray Sue M. & Sharon B: April 25.  We have $40,000 in prizes; 50/50 tickets are out as well.  Mr. Evans will be our DJ as well

8th grade committee – Joy G.:  No update

Website – Karin D.:N/A

Reading Program:  Ang- Mrs. Remington will have an author come in on April 16th after school tying in with Anti bullying for grades K-3, the book is called “The Blue Lobster” and it is about the specialness of being different

School Pictures: not present: Spring photos will be April 20th paperwork went home today. Sibling packages are available but need to be ordered by Thursday 4/16 so that the proper accommodations can be made. Please signify on the form. We need 5 volunteers to help out that day if possible, please sign up on the form.

Membership: not present: Ang: 100 percent staff participation- up to 234 members. With 65 staff

School Apparel –    not present

Teacher Appreciation – AngD & Joy G.:  If you would like to help with this, we would love the assistance. It  is actually week of May 4th but due to PARCC our  teacher appreciation luncheon will be on April 21st.  Surprise theme for the teachers; the theme will be Teachers are Superheroes but it is a surprise so don’t let them know. There will be activities scheduled all day

Nominations:  Sue Malson:  Angela Demetriou – President
Leanne Tully:  1st VP
Tracy Purcella:  Corresponding Secretary
Floor is now open for nominations
May meeting will be a vote if necessary; nominations must be in 20 days before the vote
New officers will be installed at the June meeting
Old Business:  N/A

New Business:   N/A 

Announcements:  Budget meeting will be 4/28 in Haskell, 4/16 will be the review meeting where the Strategic Planning Committee will present at 6:30 in Haskell

Comment:  Just want to note that the honor roll printed in the Trends was not announced and those of us with children on it were disappointed to find out from neighbors.
A: We were also not notified, we will follow up with them for the future

Motion to adjourn until May 4, 2015
Motion: Tracy G.
2nd: Ann P.

Meeting adjourned until May 4, 2015

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Respectfully submitted April 15, 2015